Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A new baby and a new rug

So, my best friend had her baby yesterday afternoon! A girl, they named her Juliana. This is her first born, so she will quickly realize that the fun and games have only just started. I am so happy for her.

Also, yesterday afternoon my Asimi Rug from Crate and Barrel arrived. I absolutely love it. It is so soft underfoot, and the quality it fantastic. It makes me wonder if the sales people here who were trying to sell me rugs were even telling me the truth. I think they were lying, telling me they were indeed wool. A few times she stated they were wool but then I looked underneath and they were not. Anyway, I am very happy with this rug. I was a little nervous but now I realize it was the best decision ever made. I truly recommend this rug , the colors would fit easily in any home scheme. The pattern is fantastic, love the pattern. I cant say enough about the is think and sooo soft. We will enjoy this rug for many years to come.

Of course when the rug came, it was time to move things around a bit. I got rid of the mirror above the fireplace and replaced it with 2 pictures that I already had hanging in my house. Now the room looks cozy and its getting there. I still would like some nesting tables somewhere and a sofa table. I also am on the hunt for some pillows. I will post some pics later today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow!

Hi there! My name is Bilbo...I'm a Goldendoodle (golden rietriver/poodle mix). I'm 8 months old at the end of this month. My mom makes soap for a living, my dad is a business dude and I have 4 human sisters and 1 human brother. My daddy named me after a character in one of his favorite movies: Lord of the Rings. I kind of like my name, but my mom wanted to name me after my grandpa's ...Franscesco or Patrick. Geesh!!

Tomorrow is a big day for me... Apparently, I am having some minor day surgery. My mom says its for my own good and not a big deal ... She keeps making jokes about it with dad , saying "Snip, Snip...poor Bilbo".

Well, so far I really like my family. I am the youngest in the family. My sister Olivia who is 2 is really nice, and a strong leader. I always listen to her..she means business. I love it when she pets me and hugs me. She's the one who sneaks treats for me , and gives me alot ....I love her.
Then there's Sara..she is 5 years old. She likes to play with me and wants me to chase her. I want o play chase, but mom says no everytime. I don't know why she doesnt like me to chase the kids ..Its fun! I really like Sara too.
Mikey is the only boy in our family, he's 9. He doesn't pay too much attention to me , but when he does , he takes me for walks and pets me alot. Hes my big brother and hes great too..I like him alot. Bonnie is my other sister , she is 12. I really love her too. She spoils me alot. I don't have to do much in order to get pet, walked or fed by her. Sometimes I don't listen to her...but lately Mom told her not to give me any attention until I do something like sit nicely. Now I have to pay attention to her or Ill never get any attention. Lastly , Emma is 7 years old. She loves me and talks to me all the time. She thinks I'm funny and silly , I make her laugh. I love all my siblings !

Mom and Dad are great too. Mom is the pack leader. She is more demanding of me, puts me back in place if I'm out of line. I try to get away with some things, but she doesn't put up with bad behavior. Mom takes me out for walks everyday with some of the kids. Dad is great. One time he played chase with me around the kitchen...He caught me and I was soooo surprise and I peed my pants because I was so stunned! Oops!